Oh, my, what a morning!

She’s here! And she’s wonderful. Granddaughter #2 has arrived and we are overjoyed to make her acquaintance. Her name is Lilly (short for Lillian Ruth) and she is perfect in every way, from her mohawk hairdo to her tiny little toenails. We are thanking God today for the miracle of new life, for a healthy mom and baby, and for the promise that this new life brings to our family circle and to the world.
Lilly is very mellow (so far!), seems quite small compared to her 4-year-old sister, Grace, and is generally unperturbed by this new world of light and noise and activity. Babies are such a picture of grace for me – utter dependence on someone else to make sure they are nurtured and nourished and gently guided into maturity. Completely trusting that somehow, all those needs will be met, open and curious about the world around them, creatures of small physical volume but immense vocal volume!
Gracie will be a remarkable older sister – showing the way, protecting, teaching. It will be such a joy to watch them grow up as a twosome! I’m sure there will be fights and hurt feelings and the stretching that comes when love (and toys) must be shared. But what a wonderful gift to have a sister – something I don’t have and have often wished for. May each amazing girl find her way to the joyful discovery of who it is God has designed her to be – inhabiting their own unique selves – that glorious mix of gifts/tastes/skills/desires/personalities that makes them Grace and Lilly – with confidence and gratitude and generosity. It is a privilege to be their grandmother. They join six remarkable male cousins on this side of their family and two amazing boys (so far) on their mom’s side. Believe me, they will hold their own.

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  1. how wonderful Diana. We just got in today from a trip to disneyworld and universal studios with Jonathan and Corrine, so this was the first i have seen of the great news. Precious little baby and great name!

  2. Welcome home! We are thrilled and grateful and look forward to watching her grow. Be nice now if both of our families could enjoy a few months that are DRAMA FREE and filled with grace, eh?