Scripture and a Snapshot – Refreshment

Through Katie Lloyd’s beautiful website, we are invited each week to submit one of our own photos, with a scripture verse that the photo elicits in us. Such a great idea and so fun to do.

Time away.
Once a month.
Three hours with others,
sitting or walking in silence,
communing with God by centering.
Then two hours all alone,
near the water,
Yes. That’s what soul restoration looks like
for me right now.
Each month, he leads me there.
He leads me deeper.
He leads me to myself,
to himself,
to the world. 
And it is good.

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  1. Anonymous says

    Beautiful and inspiring! Karen

  2. Some days I need that kind of restoration more than others. The hymn sings in my head, “He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught!” Thanks for the beautiful photo and reminder this morning.

  3. Sound like five of the best spent hours all month.

    And beautiful photo, Diana.