That Nagging Inner Voice…
Linking with: Saturday Evening Blog Post
Today, I am linking with Elizabeth Esther’s wonderful monthly invitation to bloggers to hook up one post from the previous month. Run on over there and check it out:
These are the guidelines – have fun reading!
- Pick one of YOUR posts from the last month. Insert that specific post (not your home page) into the Linky form here.
- Create a new post on your blog telling your readers about THE SATURDAY EVENING BLOG POST. Be sure to provide a link back here! It’s always fun to “meet” new bloggers.
Living the Other Truth
Five Minute Friday: Motherhood Should Come With a …
Wow. That week just FLEW by. And…it’s Friday once again. Time to sign on with the Gypsy Mama and write for 5 minutes, no editing, on this week’s topic which is an interesting one:
Motherhood should come with a…
…gigantic truth-in-advertising disclaimer, warning label, cautionary tale, illustrated instruction manual and a clear understanding that once you pass ‘go,’ you are never again ‘home free.’
Because…motherhood is simply the most amazing AND the most horrifying thing to ever happen to a woman.
It is beautiful beyond belief, filled with moments of buoyancy, joy and wonder, the single most remarkable thing to ever happen in one’s life, a gift beyond measure…
…AND it is a never ending series of heartbreaks, sleepless nights, cold sweats and deep-seated fear – no, terror! – about the world into which your beloved must have the bravery and the chutzpah to enter….over and over again, at each stage of his or her development.
But most of all, motherhood should come with an older friend who’s been there before you, can advise you when you ask for it, can cheer you on as you struggle through it, can encourage you when you fall flat on your face, can love your kids (and you) with an uncompromising, fierce and devoted love and can model for you how to move through the tough times and live to tell about it.
The two most important and consistent of those older ‘friends’ in my mothering life – my husband’s mom, Kathryn, on the left – who turned 95 in January and now lives in an Alzheimer’s assisted living unit; and my own mom – Ruth – who will be 90 in July and whose health is increasingly frail. I thank God for these two women every day of my life. They have loved me and my children, been there when it got scary, taken care of my little ones when I was sick, busy or needed a break. And now they love my little ones’ little ones – even when they can’t remember their names. Each of them has been a shining example to me of courage, commitment and faith, and I am deeply grateful.
One Last Time…and Then – We’re Home!
But…there’s a limit to church-hopping/shopping. And mine has most definitely been reached. Four long months, we’ve been visiting churches other than our own. And yesterday was the last week of that particular experiment experience. We had originally planned to be back in our home congregation yesterday – but somehow we missed a very well-attended evangelical church that had been at the top of our list, so we added on one more week to pay them a visit.
And I’m both glad and sorry that we did. Glad because yesterday’s jaunt served to underscore for me – maybe more than anything else could have – how deeply we love our congregation and how grateful we are to belong to this part of the body. And sorry because we experienced a few things yesterday that I surely wish we had not, including a public chastisement of some wayward leaders and a communion service that did not feel at like a communion service – at least to us. Good music (though I’ll brag a little bit and say no where near as rich as what we enjoy each worshipful week at MCC) and a good Bible lesson. Not a sermon so much as a teaching, and a very well-done one, too. So the morning was mixed for us. Some mornings are like that, right?
We belong to a small denomination, but a growing one. The Evangelical Covenant church is a ‘newbie’ in historical time, formed in the 1880’s by Swedish immigrants and thoroughly north American in ethos and ecclesiology. We are congregational by polity, but we are connected by a wonderful web of mutual care and concern and a list of shared values that have become absolutely central to my own understanding of who I am as the daughter of the Most High God.
It is in the midst of this part of Christ’s body that I have had my gifts affirmed. It is here that I have heard the call, first to seminary and then to pastoral ministry. It is here that I have watched God do a series of new things – reaching out intentionally to embrace women in ministry, multi-ethnic congregations and ministries, peace and justice ministries of all kinds.
And all of it done with careful respect for the teachings of scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit in the church of every age. We value tradition and we value good change, we value liturgy and we value contemporary worship. We value the shared journey and we learn from one another. We’re not perfect, but by God’s grace, we are exceptionally open-hearted and open-handed. And we hold one another accountable, too. I miss that right now. I really, really do.
So, I’m homesick. In a good way, I think. And I’m ready to be back home. And that’s a very good thing.
I won’t be returning to this particular role:
One Last Good-bye…
It’s For the Birds…
5 Minute Friday: If I knew I could, I would…
Ah yes, it’s Friday once again. Joining with Lisa Jo at “The Gypsy Mama” on a very intriguing topic this morning. And I wonder what I’ll say! 5 minutes of unedited, unstoppable writing.
If I knew I could, I would…
…dance like crazy, letting my body go where it wills – just because I can;
…write like crazy, words that would bring encouragement to others and tell interesting stories because I’ve had quite a ride so far;
…travel without worry or complication to as many of this planet’s beautiful places as I possibly could while still…
…spending as much time as I could at or near my home, which I love;
…save the people I love from pain and heartache – I’ve seen so much of it and they’ve lived so much of it… but then again…
…even more than that, I want for them to be whole and holy (in the truest, best sense of that word) people and sometimes (but not always) heartache is a vehicle for producing precisely that;
… know in my heart of hearts that God isn’t done with me yet, that there is more to do and even better, more to be for however many years stretch ahead of me;
… love my mom with Jesus’ kind of love, showing patience and kindness and soothing her fears as the ravages of age and confusion move in with a vengeance.
Photo and caption added a bit later…