5 Minute Friday – Waiting…

This is the place where once a week we take the chance to
just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not.

For five minutes flat.

Here’s how the game works: you simply stop, drop and write. Set your words free. Don’t edit them, don’t fret over them, don’t try to make them perfect.

That’s how Five Minute Friday was born. Want to play? It’s fun. And it’s never too late to link up.

1. Write for only five minutes.
2. Link back here and invite others to play along.
3. Go high five the word artist who linked up before you with an awesome comment.


Seems to me that life is one long series of waitings:

We wait to be born…

We wait to be fed…

We wait to be comforted…

We wait for our muscles to catch up to our vision so that we can begin to manipulate our world…

We wait to be asked to play…

We wait to go to school…

We wait to learn as much as we can learn, some of it easy for us, some of it very hard indeed…

We wait for recess…

We wait for home…

We wait for meals…

We wait for friends to come and play…

We wait for daylight savings time and the extra warmth and light…

We wait for summer vacation…

We wait for the end of summer vacation!

We wait to graduate to the next grade…

….or the next school…

We wait to be kissed…

We wait to fall in love…

….to marry…

…to have children…

We wait for those children to do and learn all those things we did and learned…

We wait for answers to hard questions…

We wait for life to get easier…

We wait for good health to return…

We wait for the end of a loved one’s suffering…

We wait for mercy…

We wait for Jesus.


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  1. Loved your post on waiting. It seems life it all about waiting all things…although its hard sometimes.

  2. Oh, my. You have captured in detail all the things that we wait upon in this life. It certainly reminds me that I need to be a doer as opposed to a wait-er.