A Word Candy Weekend

So much of life is about seeing, isn’t it?

About seeing the real,
paying attention to the true,
acknowledging both the beauty and the banality
of everyday life,
and finding there the essence of reality.

May each of you truly SEE this weekend, dear friends.
Steadied by the Spirit,
encouraged by the Son,
drawn by the Creator,
may you find eyes that see,
ears that hear,
and a heart that understands
that Love is the reason we’re here.

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  1. Lovely, Diana. You, too. xox

  2. Sometimes it’s all about seeing one flower.

  3. Diana,

    Sometimes to FOCUS all it takes is a call to really see…which you have done perfectly in this post. It’s like the difference between hearing and listening, yes?

    • Yup – it’s all about focus, I think. Thanks for commenting, Robin – always glad to see your smiling face and those exquisite shoulder bones. :>)

  4. “…Steadied by the Spirit,” you say. Brings to mind a lovely image: When I’m blown, bumped, or bruised by circumstances or people, all I have to do is reach out for the hand of God. “Though [s]he stumble, [s]he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him/her with his hand ” (Psalm 37:24). I can feel him, loving Father that he is, grabbing my shoulders and holding me upright. I can hear him speak over the pounding of my heart, “You’re OK. I’ve got you.” I can see his eyes looking into mine, infusing me with his strength.

    Thank you, Diana, for fresh insight on familiar truth.