Check It Out: An Actual Guest Post!

Yes, friends – you read that right.  Today, I am contributing to the online study of Philippians over at Those folks over there are really generous, inviting anyone who wishes to sign on for a part of their rotating lessons.  Working through scripture has been a long-time love of mine, so this was designed just for me (and a few thousand others, it appears!)

Wander on over there and check it out.  And while you’re there, look at some of the other fine stuff that shows up on that blog.

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  1. As an editor of, I wanted to tell you it was a pleasure to read you over there. I do hope you continue to be active in the blog over there. Such great friendships have been formed there! 🙂

  2. Thanks again Diana. Even though we’re not in the same location your writing continues to bless our lives. Blessings on this continuing labor of love.