Family life is nothing if not fascinating. It is in the midst of family that all of us are forged and shaped, for good and for ill.
And one of the reasons I love our Holy Writ is that we get example after example of how true this is!
All the mixed up messiness of it.
All the glorious power of it.
And you think your family has problems?
That’s what happens in families –
I needed that prayer today, Diana. Can I say how absolutely sick I am of family stuff? Can’t we move on to, I don’t know, world peace or something more attainable?
Oh, Megan. I thought of you when I wrote this one. I’ve been on the road this whole day and am just now catching up on email and blogs. Wanted you to know I’m thinking about you tonight as I head to sleep. And I will be off and on as your face/name float to the surface. I am sorry for the struggle – whatever it is about – and pray for healing and wholeness for each of you. And yes, sometimes world peace feels simpler, doesn’t it??
Thank you for the reminder of what so often is not discussed in church — the reality of scripture as it applies to families. At one time in my life I thought I might never make it through a particularly difficult time as a parent. (Little did I realize then that it was going to get even darker!) But God brought me through it all, one day at a time. And now, looking back, I realize it was because of his many promises that I was able to hang on. We need him even more in the “messy” times, don’t we?
“…we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God…” (1 Cor. 1:8-9)”Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault…” (Jude 1:24)
I wonder why we don’t talk about family issues more sometimes – because we’ve all got them, that’s for sure. And scripture, especially the OT, is just chock-a-block full of bad parenting, problematic children, messy marriages – and God still being present and using all those broken folks anyhow. Sorry to hear you had such a dark time in your own parenting experience – but so grateful you hung on, Carol! And thanks for the NT texts – two of my favorites. Stay warm up there in Canada, friend.