Sometimes I read my friend Laura Boggess’s words and I wonder, “In some alternate universe, are we related?” Because this woman writes my heart, and she writes it beautifully.
And this little book is a gem. A GEM. Laura tells us stories about her life, she quotes lots of great authors, she plumbs mysterious and wondrous truths from the worlds of psychology, theology and ministry — because that’s who she is. She is a psychologist, a closet theologian, and a pastor.
I adored every page of this book, and I read it in one sitting. She asks terrific questions and she finds meaningful answers all the way through. I highly recommend that you order a copy today and plan to use what you find there as you walk out your days. She helps us to re-think how we live by doing one of the things I’m writing out during this challenge: focusing on the ordinary, the small, and discovering God, right there. Right there.
I received a free copy and I also ordered one and that one I am giving away! So if you would like your own copy, please leave me a comment and I’ll enter your name on a slip of paper into my famous name-pulling hat. It’s definitely a worthy read. A little book that can.

You with you focus on “little” and Ann Graham with her focus on” listening” were just what i needed during this season of re-emerging. It even got me blogging again…at least this week!
Oh, and I’d love to be in your “hat.”
Terrific, Carol – you’re in!
I’ve been learning from the “child-like faith” of my children. Sounds like a good read.
It is a good read, Annette. Your name is on the list!
Diana, the title of this book makes me think, along with you, that Laura has also written my heart. I would delight to read this gem! Thanks for offering the giveaway, and do know I so enjoy your writings even though I comment only now and then. Thank you for blessing me and so many others with your thoughtful and thought-provoking words.
I think you’ll love it, Judy. Just added your name to the hat-list. And thank you for your kind words – your encouragement comes at a good time.
Ah, Diana, so often have I been blessed and refreshed by encouragement at just the needed time, so I’m doubly grateful my words encouraged you. God is good and faithful in his timings.
You know I feel the same way about you, right? Thank you for sharing my book and my heart, Diana. So grateful for you, my friend!
Thank you, Laura. We are joined at the soul, I think. Love you – so grateful for you and all that you do and write.
Diana – I would love to read Laura’s book. We played patty cake when I first met Laura. I love her playful heart and I love the way God gives us so much to wonder over each and every day, right where we are. I imagine I will find a kinship in her words as my friends have nick-named me Plays with Purpose. I’m a kid at heart. And you too? I think God knew we were all kids at heart and what a blessing to do life with a child-like faith that wonders at God. Anxious to read more. Thanks for your generosity Diana!
LOVE that – patty-cake. I’m not sure I can even remember how to do that. Very impressive. I’m putting your name in my big hat tonight.
Oh, I would love to win a copy! Do I live too far away? I thought of Laura and her playdates with God the other day, when I went out on my own, with my camera, and wandered round a field of daffodils for an hour or so – I enjoyed it so much!
Donna – if your name comes out of that hat, I will happily pay the shipping rate to get this to you, my friend. Thanks for entering.
Put my name in the hat too! 🙂
You’re in, Lizzie.
Oh 8 need this book to remind this Type A personality to stop and savor God.
Yes, you do – we all do. Adding your name now.
Ooh, Diana, pick me! References to this book keep showing up in my life. Clearly, I need to read it. Even if you don’t pick me 🙂
You’ll love it, Kimberlee. Even if you don’t get picked. (but I’ll do my best. 🙂
I enjoy your posts. You often remind me of what is right there. Who is right there. So, please place my name in the hat as I’d love to be reminded more of what, and, more importantly, Who is right there!
Thanks for those kind words, Cindy – and I’m adding you to the list right now.
Me, me, me, pick me! So excited about this new book! However, if you don’t pick me, I’m buying it! Thanks for the post, lady. Love Laura’s words.
Glad to add your lovely name to my list, Amy – and you will love this book. Yes, you will.
This book is on my wish list! Yours is the second review I’ve read, and I’m really pumped to get this book. Blessings, Diana!
Gotcha, Martha! Check back next week and see who wins.
Diana, this may be just what I need. I’ve been feeling very old – another birthday gone by – and I really need to break out of ‘old’ and be me again. Thanks for sharing.
Yup, time to break out of ‘old’ is right. Your name is now on the list, Elaine!
I would love a copy of this book! 🙂
Well then, here’s a chance to get one! On the list, Laurie.
I would like you to put my name in the hat if its not too late. Sounds like a wonderful read.
Nope, not too late at all. I’ll take entries until Monday night at midnight. Then draw on Tuesday morning and post later that day.
Enjoy your blog so much. The book sounds wonderful – I would love to be entered into your drawing!
Thanks so much for those kind words, Andrea. And your name is now on the official hat-drawing list!
Just discovered you through your guest post on Jamie’s site. Loved what you wrote there, and since I am now officially a 60 year old, I get so much of what you share. And am so excited that another ‘youngster’ is in the blogging world! Equally as exciting is that you are doing the 31 day challenge – and that made me smile as I am doing it as well! So glad to be part of your reader group! (And this book has gone onto my list for November – I am already over my Oct quota for book-buying! I don’t buy clothes or shoes, I buy books!!)
Thanks so much for jumping back here from Jamie’s place, Diane. And your name is on the list for the draw next week. Who knows? Maybe you won’t have to buy this one!
I’m in! The blogworld is all abuzz over having “playdates!” I’d love to enter your hat. And when time allows after my 31 day writing frenzy, I plan to head back over hear to mull over your writings! Love the pics
You’re welcome here, any time, Mary. And yes, your name is on the hat-list!
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year, shortly before my own torn peroneal tendon surgery. I hope you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It is a long recovery. I also read Pollywog Creek and just clicked on her link to Laura’s blog which then informed me you were doing a give-away of her new book. I would love to have a copy of Playdates With God. I would have found that out sooner by coming to your blog first, but that’s now how it worked out. Please enter me in the drawing.
Wow, a fellow sufferer! So sorry, Paula – this is not fun and yes, it’s a long recovery! The light is getting bigger and brighter every day – at least, a little bit. And little by little, I’ll get there. I’ve got your name on the list for the drawing next week!
Diana I am learning that most any book you like — I will like! I have suggested them to others as well 🙂 I perked up my ears when you mentioned “great questions” as I am a spiritual director in my second year of training and oh, I am always on the look out for good questions. Thanks for your little series 🙂 Donna
Congratulations on the spiritual direction training, Donna. I love this ministry so much. Your welcome for the series and I’ve added your name to the list for next week’s drawing. Check back on Tuesday night of next week for the winner. (But if you win, you’ll know, cuz I’ll send you an email!)
Please throw my name in the hat!
Got it, Margaret!
This title truly intrigues me i would love to win a copy!
Please put me in the name pulling contest!
Thank You for the opportunity!
Done! Thanks for joining in the fun, Marie.
Right on time, Jen! Happy to add your name.
I found your blog after I read about your shorts episode on Jaime’s blog. And this book looks like a lot of fun. If it’s not too late, throw my name in the hat!
Adding you right now, Stephanie.
If I am not too late to the party, please add my name to your cute hat.
You’re in, Glenda!