Giving Thanks, 2006

H ere’s to the bounty of the earth,
A nd to the eating that is nigh.
P ray, let us merrily increase our girth,
P iling our plates with mountains high of
Y ams, potatoes, turkey and pie.

T ake yourself a second slice,
H ave another piece of cake.
A nything goes, there is no price, for
N one of it will widen your waist.
K eeping tradition is surely nice,
S ince everyone knows this is the day that’s
G iven completely to the notion,
(I nvented by a cook, so they say) when
V acation mindset gets in motion,
I nviting all to come and play.
N ow pile those plates up, everyone,
G rab the kids and have some fun!

‘Twould be nice if it were so, but, alas, we all surely know…it ain’t! Nice to dream, though.

Hope your holiday is filled with family, friends, fun and food. And that somewhere in there, you find your heart filled with gratitude for the blessings that are yours.

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  1. Diana; Thanks for the acronym-poem. Was yours a great Thanksgiving? Our kids flew in and surprised us…wow!

  2. We had a good day at our daughter’s on Thursday – all our kids and grandkids, both great-grans, my brother and Dick’s sister. 19 in all, counting babies. Joy and Marcus did a magnificent of hosting, we ate most of the day and enjoyed a huge jigsaw puzzle and conversations. We babysat that night while our adult kids and spouses went to a movie. A nice day. Thanks for the comment – when did you make it?