Five Minute Friday: Still

It’s Friday (almost – I am in CA, after all) and I’ve completed one half of my two week in-residence training program in spiritual direction. (year one of two) I am stuffed so full, I can hardly move and it is just impossible to digest it well enough to post about at this juncture. So I sigh with relief at a prompt from Lisa – Jo = something outside the parameters of my life just now. Although I imagine that THIS prompt will resonate with some of what’s happening in me just now.  The word this week? STILL

Only this week, she’s sending out the prompt from {In}Courage and their link is this: 


I am still tall.  

I am still older than I feel. 

I am still heavier than I wish – though not as much so as one  year ago. 

I am still married. 

I am still a mom, a grandmom, a friend, a daughter, a learner, a follower of Jesus, a struggler. 

I am still a lover of beauty, of words, of bodies of water, most especially the ocean, of small children with their sweet smiles and delightful openness. 

I am still not a coffee drinker, not a wine drinker, not a cigarette smoker, not an athlete. 

I am still learning what it means to be among the last, the lost, the least, the littlest – those who are sought by the shepherd, those who are true residents of the kingdom. I am still puzzled and intrigued and frustrated at times by the upside down nature of the kingdom of God. 

I am still learning how to be still. Getting better at it with age and practice, but always and forever a learner, amen. 

I am still amazed at how blessed I am. 

I am still wondering what heaven is like. I mean the details, please. 

I am still me – but I am still discovering who she is. And I hope I always will be.


That’s ALL I got tonight, folks. Wow, I’m tired. Here’s a little peek at my home for these two weeks – got them uploaded but not yet labeled or edited much. Soon…I hope…soon, I will post a few reflective and illustrated posts about it all. It’s all good – just a whole lot of it.

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  1. What a beautiful place to call home for a few weeks. And God is STILL using you as your train for this new venture in life!

  2. I love this I am still puzzled and intrigued and frustrated at times by the upside down nature of the kingdom of God.

    My friend wrote a book about that. It’s true. His kingdom does operate upside down. ;0)

    Hope your studies go well – the place you’re staying looks amazing!

  3. Diana – Thank you for visiting mayfirsteverlasting and for your gracious comment. I loved coming to Just Wondering – and finding such a kindred spirit. I need to get to know you better. I remain in awe this morning – seeing God’s hand at work – why does that continually surprise me? Sending blessings as you continue your SD work.

  4. Love the place your staying. Looks like a good place to be still!

  5. I am so with you in this stillness–except for the tallness, and I’m still a coffee drinker weaning to tea. Can’t wait to hear about what’s happening in your “stuffedness.” 🙂

  6. Anonymous says

    I love this piece you’ve written, Diana. It’s SO you! :)) And what a lovely place you’re staying at to go deeper. May the Lord meet you there in rich new ways. k.

  7. Interesting the different ways one can take the word. You began with “still” meaning “continuing into the present,” and hit the other meaning of the word with “I am still learning how to be still.” I began with the meaning of “being still,” probably because I’m very anxious just now, and stillness is what I need. Thanks for a different view, to remind me of my blessing that began in the past and still continue.

  8. There is the stillness of remaining, and the stillness of not moving.

    Both are so sweet. Thank you for this, Diana.

  9. I enjoyed reading this . . . I just like you.

    Can’t wait to hear your processing of your training.
