I’ll sign this one on with Michelle at “Graceful,” Jen at “Finding Heaven,” Ann at “A Holy Experience,” Em at “Canvas Child,” Laura at “The Wellspring,” Laura at “Seedlings in Stone,” and Jennifer at “Getting Down with Jesus.” I encourage you all to check out these fine blogs – but I am having increasing difficulty getting buttons to show up in the new blogger format. If anyone has any shortcuts for this tedious job, I’d love to hear them.
All of this is so lovely. It takes my breath away. And strangely, Diana, it makes me miss you. And I have never even *met* you. How can that be? It must be something in my soul…
Oh, Deidra – I ‘miss’ you, too. Maybe someday, we’ll actually have physical cause to say that. Thanks for stopping by tonight – always so glad to see you.
wow all kinds of peace and fun…love the dolphin capture….and all the water shots just set me in a place of serenity…
Beautiful, D. Full of life and love. (And I so want to be at the beach now!)
Oh, my. I so want to gather all our troops and head off for some time away like this. It’s more of a challenge, of course, because our children didn’t grow up together.
But I dream anyway.
(If you want to email me about your button-posting problem, I’d be happy to see if I can help.)
Love you, Diana. Enjoy.
Oh, I feel like I’m right there with you. Like part of the family. And those seagulls just checking you out and those bright chairs begging for a sinking down with a cup of tea…
Thanks so much for stopping by, Brian. And I was delighted to get ONE picture of dolphins and not just a blank slate of grey water. Serenity is a good word for being near the water, seems to me.
Oh, Sheila, I’ll be happy to dream right along with you. If you can find a space big enough (with enough bathrooms, too) and if you allow folks to do their own thing as well as hang together, it can be a wonderful way to relax. Thanks for stopping by, friend. And maybe next week I’ll email you about that button thingy.
Yeah, I loved that row of chairs! Caught that out the window of a moving car- the story of my life sometimes. These ever-present gulls are hilarious. So noisy and cranky. Reminds me of myself on a bad day. :>) It’s raining here today, on our last full day. Lisa and husband returned home yesterday, we’ll take their 2 boys with us. Eric and family leave tonight so Joy and I will close the place up and then head home. Then on Saturday, we drive 3 hours the other direction for a family wedding which I am conducting. A big step back into real life!!
Hang on, Jen-the beach will wait for you! Thanks for stopping by, friend.
I recognized the CA coast right away – love the days the islands are that clear. We’ve lived in Santa Maria, loved the child-friendly beach at Pismo, the drives up and down the coast. Perfect place to have a family gathering. Lovely photo essay. You made me take a deep breath of peace right along with you. Thanks.
But someone bigger is always nearby
to step between her and the abyss.
May it always be so!oh yes, friend. i love this, and it speaks my heart about all children, especially my own. i understand what deidra says below… it does feel like you’re far away. and i miss you too
but i’m so happy for you, experiencing all of this joy and love. xo
It’s the CA coast, alright – but those aren’t islands. We’re on the southwest side of the Pismo Bay, looking toward the sand dunes on the peninsula. There are no islands this far north – those are mostly off the Ventura and Santa Barbara Coast..It has been a lovely, lovely getaway place. Today we stayed in all day due to rain and it’s been really nice, actually. Tomorrow, we head home, back to the push of April and May. This break has been just delightful. Thanks for coming by, Maureen.
Thanks you for coming by, Em, with your loaded life these days. Thinking of you and Trent as you stand at the edge of the abyss for these two extra boys you love as well as your own precious duo.
how WONDERFUL! we just spent five glorious days in california, bookended by good extended family time, too. nothing like either:) this is beautiful–and your grandbabes look so much like you!
as for button troubles–i usually click the HTML button after putting in code, and when i press COMPOSE again, it’s good. you can always use text links instead–that’s simpler and just as good.
Thanks, Suzannah, for stopping by and leaving such kind words. I’ve been thinking of just switching to text links – maybe emailing myself a list of them all so i’ve only got one stop to make for the copy and paste stuff!
Thanks, Suzannah, for stopping by and leaving such kind words. I’ve been thinking of just switching to text links – maybe emailing myself a list of them all so i’ve only got one stop to make for the copy and paste stuff!
Such blessings we are given! You have a beautiful family. We were alone at Easter this year but are now looking forward to the arrival of a daughter and two grandchildren next Tuesday. Time together is so precious! Glad to see these wonderful photos and know you are enjoying yours.
With views like that, and games like Settlers and Bananagrams, and all those precious loved ones around…*wow*. (And I’m reaching for one of those croissant sandwiches.)
Praying you’ll have a smooth return and transition after this getaway.
Thanks for coming by, Carol, to bless me with your kind words. Enjoy your family when they get there!
Thanks, Monica, for the kind words and the prayers! I can use them actually. We’ve just returned home (in a pounding rainstorm) and will sleep here tonight, then drive 3 hours the other direction so I can do a family member’s wedding tomorrow evening. Haven’t done anything remotely pastoral for 15 months now and am feeling VERY rusty. I hope it’s like gettin’ back on the bike, you know? (And those were not croissant sandwiches – which would have been a great idea! – but ‘resurrection rolls’ – crescent rolls wrapped around butter and cinnamon dipped marshmallows, which disappear in the baking process, leaving an ’empty tomb…’ kinda corny but fun for the littler kids. And they tasted good, too!)
Sounds delicious to be away with family.
What a great word for it, Glenda! Nice to see you out here tonight. :>)
Oh my goodness, Diana. Your photos are just so stunning. The view. The birds. The adorable children. The eggs. Those chairs. … Just all of it. So glad you’ve shared. You have an eye for the BEAUTIFUL.
Thank you, Jennifer. It was a lovely, lovely week. It ended in major rainstorms – which was also nice as we need them so desperately in these parts and all that wet forced us to slow down and set a spell. Played more games, said good-bye to those who couldn’t stay the whole week and generally enjoyed the beauty of the place and the blessing of being together. I am feeling very grateful tonight.
*sigh* I want to go meandering with you.
And you would be most welcome to come along, too. Meandering is almost over. Topped off a lovely week of quiet with a busy driving day to do a wedding tonight. Back in the hotel, I’m DONE. Tomorrow, home to recuperate!
What beautiful photos! The view there looks so peaceful.
You know, that is exactly the right word for the entire week – it was peaceful, restful, reviving. Thanks for stopping by, Amy!