Five Minute Friday: Opportunity

For the first time in a very long time, I’m joining with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for her 5-Minute Friday link-up. Five minutes for free-writing – no editing, no over-thinking, no re-do’s. JUST WRITE.

Today’s prompt? OPPORTUNITY

 A recent opportunity came knocking in the form of a week on St. Thomas with our son and his family. Glad we heard that one!


They say it only knocks once – but I remain unconvinced.

Seems to me, it comes ’round the door on a regular basis.

Question is: Do we hear it?
                       Do we see it?

Sometimes I’ve been paying attention and I grab onto it for all I’m worth.

Like the time I met this brown-eyed guy at a college mixer and said, “Yes. Yes, indeed.”

Or the time that same brown-eyed guy said, “Hey, I’m heading to Africa for two years. Wanna come along?” Oh, yeah, that one was definitely not to be missed.

And then there were those three surprises – well 2 out of 3, anyway. Each of them the most golden of all the opportunity-knocking I had yet encountered.

Then there was this weird kind of soft tapping that began somewhere inside my gut and gradually spread to my heart and my brain. A tap-tap-tap that said, “Come with Me, dear one. Test your wings – try seminary. You’ll like it.”

And I did.

And then maybe the scariest one of all came while I was enjoying the student life after 22 years. This one came gently, in the voices of others, in the words of scripture and finally, as an almost visible LED readout across my forehead: “I want you to be my minister.”


And now, even now, I hear that tapping from time to time. Opportunity keeps showing up.

May I have the wisdom to see, to hear. And the courage to say, “Why, yes! I’d love to.”



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  1. Richelle Wright says

    Popping over from Gypsy Mama…

    You must have an amazing life story… you should write your bio!

  2. Erin Messing says

    Oh yes! Opportunity comes around so many times, but we have to choose to embrace it. 

  3. I feel that way too Diana, the oppotunities abound and we can choose. So glad you got to go on that awesome getaway, the gifts of God are just beyond comprehension aren’t they? And you inspire by the way you say yes.

  4. You made the best choice! 

  5. Darn it, Diana! 

    Opportunity is knocking, ringing the bell, peering in the windows, and I’m hiding in the bathroom, waiting for it to please, please, please give up and go away.

  6. Dtrautwein says

     It’s calling you to come out and play, Meg. Do it.

  7. Dtrautwein says

    I think you’re right, Connie. Hope I can keep making good choices until they put me in the ground.

  8. Dtrautwein says

     Thanks, Shelly. And I’m grateful for our vacation getaway, too. It was a beautiful week.

  9. Dtrautwein says

     Thanks for stopping by, Erin. Choosing is up to us, isn’t it?

  10. Dtrautwein says

     I’ve had a good, rich life. And I keep saying I’m going to write it – so maybe I’d better get busy with that!

  11. lindalouise says

    I love this Diana. There are always new adventures – no matter our age or season in life. I am excited to thing of the possibilities. We just have to be looking, listening and willing.

  12. pastordt says

    Thank you, Linda. We do have to keep listening, looking and answering.

  13. Glenda Childers says

    You lovely brave opportunity girl … I want to pay better attention. I have said yes to mentoring young women in my new city … but wonder if I am missing other opportunities. Time to tweek my listening skills.

    Love the family vacation picture.

  14. Glenda Childers says

     This is the sweetest and most intriguing response. 

  15. pastordt says

    Hey Glenda – thanks for stopping by! Always glad to see you around here. Sometimes the opportunity is to be still, to rest and wait. So don’t jump into anything too fast, either. You’ll know.

  16. Fantastic post on opportunity! So glad I’ve found you.
