I’ve just come through a long spell of recuperation and forced rest. As I’ve said lots of places, it ain’t been easy. In fact, it’s been one of the hardest pieces of my story in recent years.
For many of those long days, I didn’t have the emotional capacity or the mental stamina for doing much. But I still needed some small spot of beauty nearby. And I found it in lots of surprising places.
One of those places was in this small book, written by Robbi Cary and photographed by my friend, Patricia Hunter. If you’ve never taken yourself over to Patricia’s blog, I encourage you to do so ASAP. She takes some of the most glorious pictures to be found out here in cyberspace, and this small volume has a collection of some of those.
Sometimes, small is what I need. Not big, not weighty, not ponderous or even necessarily thought-provoking. I just need a little help. A reminder that there is still beauty, that God’s word still speaks, that hope is not lost, that ‘this, too, shall pass.’
If you, or someone you love, is in such a place, I highly recommend this little book. You’ll love it. Trust me.

I will look for this dear book for myself but also as the perfect gift for those needing encouragement. Thanks for recommending Diana. So glad your siege has come to an end. Recently I helped a friend who had foot surgery. It gave me renewed empathy for what you have gone through. Hoping your healing will soon be complete.
Foot surgery is difficult, period. Not matter what kind. It just so happens that ankle surgeries are often harder than some others, so I appreciate your empathy, believe me. And this book would make a lovely gift. I am making progress and I’m grateful. Still need to marshal my energies more carefully than I’m used to, but that is undoubtedly a lesson I needed to learn.
This is a good reminder for looking for gifts for friends that are going through hard seasons. Think small.
I hope you are moving to a lighter season SOON.
Yes, I think small gifts are delightful when you’re feeling crummy. (I actually have a post about exactly that coming up in a few days.) We’re headed out on vacation soon and that should help bring a little ‘lightness’ to our lives. 🙂 Thanks for your good wishes, my friend.