What can I say to help you see the man I know?
That he is funny and smart and loving?
Yes, that’s all true.
That he is opinionated and sometimes volatile, gestures wildly while watching sporting events and has been known to yell at the screen (and also at passing drivers when they cut him off)?
Yes, that’s all true, too.
But how do I find words to describe how tender he can be? How deeply he adores his children and grandchildren – and me, too?
How do I tell you how goofy he can be? Wearing silly hats and too-small-butterfly-wings just to make a 2-year-old giggle?
How can I describe his thoughtful wondering about the future, his careful allocation of resources so that we and our kids and our church and our missionary friends and the worthy people and projects that God sends our way can all be tended to, with love and care?
How can I possibly describe to you what a privilege it has been for me to mother his children, fold his laundry (most of the time!), admire his handiwork in the yard and at the kitchen sink and to see how kind he is, how very, very kind?
Is there any way to put into words how grateful I am to God for each and every day – even the horrible, terrible, very-bad ones – we’ve had together? Is there any way for me to describe to you the inexpressible joy it gives me to wish him a happy birthday this week? This marks number 49 that I’ve shared with him, 47 of those as his wife.
And this one?
Well, this one is number 70.
He has survived pleurisy, a kidney stone that had to be surgically removed, a major blood clot in his lung and prostate cancer. And he plays tennis – singles tennis! – once or twice a week with our son.
And there is no way that any one of you would ever guess his age without my putting it out here in black and white for you to marvel at.
No, there is just no way to tell you. There are no words.
Well.. maybe just one:
He is a gift to this world, a gift to our family and most especially a gift to me. Easily the best earthly one I’ve ever been given.
And I thank God for this gift every day that I breathe.Joining Lisa-Jo for the first time in several weeks. (This daily devotional posting has been so much fun for me – but wow! It’s tough sledding trying to add anything to that.) This, however, was one I just could not pass up. Join the ever-increasing crew over there and check out what others are saying in 5 minutes flat. I will gladly admit that this one took a few extra minutes.

Beautifully written. He and my brother, Bob turn 70 this year, and neither one look their age! I especially LOVE the picture with the butterfly wings.
What a wonderful birthday tribute to your husband! I hope is birthday is/was wonderful. (I was thinking that you must be a VERY fast typist. 😉 )
Now I want to know him. As a daughter whose father is not speaking to her, it make me cry. He sounds wonderful. Happy Birthday.
Such a wonderful tribute! He sounds like the kind of man I would enjoy knowing. Your post also helps me appreciate my husband, whose birthday is coming up. We’ve been together about half as long as you two, but 23 years is long enough for a little life.
Well, you have convinced me of how wonderful your husband is and I want to get to know him myself. I LOVE this tribute. It is just beautiful. Wow, he does NOT look 70! Hope you have many more wonderful years together!
It’s hard to believe, isn’t it, MaryAnn? And I love the picture with the butterfly wings, too! Didn’t catch Lilly’s face because she was trying to turn and show me HER wings! Richard and Bob have one of those great relationships that can be picked up at a moment’s notice, no matter how long the time between. And I can’t believe that either of them is 70. In my humble opinion, 70 is the new 50.
Thanks, Joy! And I am a fast typist – don’t know why, but I am. Probably because I type EVERYTHING as my handwriting has gotten to be completely illegible, even to me. But this one took about 8 minutes.
And we’re stretching this celebration out as long as possible. His actual birthday was the 28th. We had a small gathering with 2 of our 3 kids on the 27th, we kept our granddaughter all day on his birthday and made cupcakes, we’ll celebrate with one kid and family on Saturday, then we’re all 16 going to a rented house at the beach for spring break in 2 weeks. This is a big deal birthday!
Oh, Laura. I am so, so sorry. Praying for a miracle there. Ouch. Thanks for taking the time to comment, friend.
23 years is a LOT of life, Megan. Congratulations – and have fun celebrating. Birthdays should be fun.
Thanks, Dionne, for stopping by and commenting. And your ‘wow’ sentence will make his day!
You put a smile on my face and, even though this is the first time I meet you, I feel so, so happy for your happiness!
Be well and cherish each other with all your hearts!
Beautiful Diana!
Thank you, Eleni, for stopping by and for your very kind words. It has not always been an easy life, but it has been a very rich one and I am grateful.
Thank you, Pam.
Oh, Diana, you’ve brought tears to my eyes. What a vivid tribute to your sweetheart. Give him my birthday greetings.
Thank you, Linda – and I will!
diana, you are right–your husband is a gift. we just came home from a Family Life Today Art of Marriage event at our church…….took us from newlywedded ness to leaving a legacy as we leave this earth. We all have much to be grateful for as God’s grace carries us through the hard times. What a testimony to him!
so glad you shared in the community.
What a beautiful smile your hubby has, Diana! Your words echo the ones in my heart for the man I’ve been married to for more than 52 years. And yes, a precious GIFT is the only way to describe such wonderful men. We are truly blessed.
Thank you, Jody, for stopping by and for leaving these good words. Blessed Holy Week to you!
Yeah, it is a great smile. And congratulations on 52 years – it goes by so FAST, doesn’t it?? And we are blessed, very much so. (And I like to think they are also blessed in their partners – it does take two to make this marriage thing last!)
Your tribute is honest and hearfelt. He is a lucky man to have someone whole loves him so
Your tribute is honest and hearfelt. He is a lucky man to have someone whole loves him so