It is my honor to be posting in Rachel Held Evans’ series on Women of Valor today. Last month, I told you I would give you a link to this essay when it came up today, and I will do that in just a moment.
I submitted two essays to Rachel about mom – one outlined her wonderful life with a list of facts and tidbits. The second, which you will find if you click on this sentence came pouring out of me after I had submitted the first one. This is the one I believe the Holy Spirit wrote in me and it tells more than facts, it tells truth in so much love. I love my mom more than I can even begin to put into words – she has been an anchor in my life for all of these nearly 68 years. So watching her fade into this fog has been agonizing on many, many levels. But she is THERE still and some part of her always will be. And all of who she is, her story, her present, her future — all of it is held safely and lovingly by the Shepherd she has followed since she was a teenager. Thanks be to God.
I invite you to read more at Rachel’s place today. Thanks so much.
P.S. I was wrong! This is not the last essay in the series. It will continue until year’s end. Such a wonderful list of valorous women!!
Oh….I loved this! I have read many of your comments on other blogs and know I would SO enjoy having a cup of coffee with you! I wanted to contact you privately to ask you about being a certified spiritual director, but could not find an email.
Thanks for coming out to comment, Karen. Email is dtrautwein at gmail do com.
Really powerful, Diana. Especially thinking about the effect of church teaching.
Yes, indeed. And the culture at that time, too. Paradoxically – in the Catholic connections I’ve made (despite the heavily male hierarchy of the church) there is much less of this baggage. Marriage is mutual, women are gifted and equal. Hard to see how that happens in the polity/structure, but it does.
This is beautiful and powerful. There’s something about a child (of any age!) honouring their parents that is very moving. You love her well 🙂
Thank you, Donna. I try.
Once again, your words have touched and stirred my soul. Thank you.
Thank you, Ann. This one was both one of the easiest ones I’ve ever written – because I really didn’t write it – it just came out of me! – and also one of the hardest. I appreciate your words.
What an amazing and powerful tribute to your late mother, Diana. It has to be, hands-down, one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever posted here.
And I’m so sorry to hear about Rachel’s passing, and grieve for the family and friends she’s left behind. Praying for comfort and peace.
With Mother’s Day coming up, what a wonderful time to treasure our mothers and all that they have done for us and for others. You have remembered well.