the simple power of the gospel message.
Yes! Even as we wander our way through these 40 days and 6 Sundays of wilderness travel, let us never lose sight of that gaping hole in the earth!
It is the resurrection that makes our faith vibrate.
It is the resurrection that promises us a forever future.
It is the resurrection that anchors us all –
21st-century-struggler types.
It is the resurrection that anchors us all in
hope fulfilled,
promises kept,
healing and wholeness and salvation delivered.
Resurrected Christ, Great Heart and Hope of our universe, even as we wrestle with our own weakness, doubt, lack of understanding, dogmatism, addiction to forms and shadows rather than the simple Truth – point us to the empty tomb as well as the cross, remind us that you are LORD as well as friend, that you hate hypocrisy as well as love little children. Help us to see all of who you are – or at least as much ‘all’ as you think we can handle. Amen.