I wrote about these small things in the same post I linked to yesterday. This basket is about two inches square. Two inches. And it contains seven items I chose myself, at a small store that features lots of miniature things.
Can you see what they are? Five loaves and two fish. Exactly the amount of food that the troubled disciples brought to Jesus when the 5,000 were seating themselves on the grass that late afternoon.
Just a little lunch basket’s worth, that’s all. Five loaves and two fish. And yet . . . there was enough. More than enough.
I find myself feeling like those disciples way too often. Doubting the Lord’s goodness, doubting the Lord’s willingness to ‘feed’ me, doubting the Lord’s power and ability to provide what I need. Maybe you do, too.
I bought this little set just a few months into my job here in Santa Barbara. I was feeling overwhelmed by all there was to learn, all there was to do. And I needed a visible, tactile, small reminder that God is faithful. That little basket is one of my favorite possessions. God has used it to remind me, over and over again, that there will be provision. Maybe not exactly as I dreamed it or thought I needed it, but there will be.
How do you remember the faithfulness of God?

Oh, what a unique and special reminder of God’s provision in your miniature basket of the loaves and fishes! I have many small objects (and some large) in my house which remind me to turn to the Lord in all things. He will provide enough!
Blessings, Diana!
Amen, Martha. Amen.
What is it about miniature objects that invoke a heart-response? They ARE irresistible! And your tiny basket is such a perfect reminder of how BIG our God can bless.
I collect remembrances of God’s faithfulness in a journal I began over thirty years ago. In fact, its title is, “God Is Faithful.” In it I record the ways God has provided, protected, guided, and supported our family. Not long ago I reached #1000. Had I not been writing them down, hundreds of special blessings would have been forgotten. How incredible it is to realize how involved God has been in our lives, and how benevolent! My heart overflows with gratitude.
So even before Ann Voskamp’s amazing book, you were doing your own version of it. How cool is that? What a lovely idea.
Ann is much more detail-oriented than I am. I have learned much from her attention to soap bubbles in the dishpan and moonlight on pillows!