Of Rainclouds and Wildfires
My Brother’s Keeper . . . A Deeper Family
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 25
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 24
Yesterday was an amazing day.
Startling, sometimes confusing,
interesting and humbling.
In the middle of this 31-day blogging craziness,
I put up this small post to tell you about an essay
I wrote over at A Deeper Church.
In that brief post, I also urged you to
read my friend Emily’s post in which
she asked some questions about the very
topic I was speaking about right next door to her.
The comment thread, especially on her essay,
was pretty overwhelming.
But here is what I feel about it,
late this night,
after spending about 14 of the last 36 hours
in the car, driving up and down this
magnificently beautiful state of ours:
I feel profoundly grateful.
And humble.
I would happily wash Emily’s feet,
and I believe she would do the same for me.
And that? THAT is a beautiful thing.
I slept last night in a retreat center in Burlingame, CA,
run by the Sisters of Mercy.
Our meeting room there contained about a dozen
magnificent prints by a Japanese artist from the 20th century
named Sadao Watanabe.
I tried to take photos of them all,
but a few of them showed too much reflection from
the hideous (why oh why??) florescent lighting.
These two, however, are perfect.
And we are the ones who wash one another’s feet.
Whether we agree with one another on every doctrine or not.
Whether we work at home or outside the home.
Whether we homeschool our kids or send them to school
Whether we even like each other or not!
We are the ones who wash each other’s feet.
And that –
because Jesus did it,
because Jesus
continues to do it through each of us –
that is BEAUTY.
Humbly joining with Michelle, Jen, Jennifer, Ann, Duane, and OF COURSE, Emily:
The Mystery of Faith…
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 16
The last gasp of summer,
radiating hope
and light and
stunning, stop-me-in-my-tracks beauty.
What is it about red roses?
Something about the depth of color,
the strong, familiar scent,
the sturdy call to pay attention?
I’m not entirely sure,
I just know I love them,
and they always stir
something joyful in my spirit.
I like them best
when they’re on the bush,
lending their glamour to the garden,
forcing me to look,
and to look again.
It seems almost a sacrilege to cut them,
although I do it from time to time.
Even red roses need pruning,
trimming back.
And soon enough,
this one will be trimmed, too.
But right now,
when I’m pondering
a proposal that surprised me,
wondering if this is what’s next
on God’s plate for me,
I will enjoy their vibrant cry
for my attention.
Red is the color of hope,
I’m told.
And of life.
It is a scarlet thread that weaves
its way through scripture
and my life,
splashing passion,
crying ‘courage!’,
promising good things ahead.
Joining with Jennifer, Duane, Emily and Ann tonight:
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 15
This tiny guy, however, was content to just drift a bit,
taking in the sights,
enjoying the beauty of a suddenly balmy day
after a tender taste of real fall weather late last week.
Then a bit bigger boat came into my sight line,
looking sleek and intentional.
Again, he was heading down the coast.
Suddenly, the meandering mellow guy
began to rev up the engine,
and before I knew it,
I had an interesting shot –
the islands in the distance,
the oil derricks in silhouette,
and two ships, passing in the daylight.
And just before it was time to move my office
to a parking spot in front of a favorite restaurant
(yes, lunch with a friend is an appointment, right?),
one final flourish from a small craft heading up the coast.
Perhaps this was the first guy heading home?
Perhaps this was boat number 4 in 40 minutes?
Perhaps it was time for me to put the camera DOWN,
and write a bit?
I did grab a few ideas here and there,
and quite possibly some of those will
show up here or at
A Deeper Story/Deeper Family/Deeper Church.
Who knows?
All I know for sure is this:
today’s office visit(s)
were rich with reminder
that I am – truly –
being saved by beauty as I walk through each day.
O Lord, may I have eyes to see!
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 14
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 10
An astounding display of lichen,
moss, multi-colored plant life,
clinging like crazy-colored barnacles
to the terra cotta tiles
I found them stunningly beautiful,
especially in contrast to the rich red
of the roof; I was
fascinated by
these green and gray polka dots,
scrambling wildly down the rows.
I would not have seen them at all
if the fog had not rolled in,
forcing me
to take my eye off the horizon,
to stop taking the long view,
and instead,
to pay attention
to what was right in front of my face.
I have spent much of my life searching
toward that horizon,
thinking and dreaming about
what was to come.
One of my major regrets
is that I did not fully appreciate
what was
right in front of my face
while I was living it.
I got better at it over time,
thank God.
But how I wish I had
celebrated the glory
of the single moment
just a bit more,
especially when my
children were small
and I was tired all.the.time.