I’m not quite sure why I fall for this insanity every year, but fall for it I do. The Nester has been inviting bloggers to a 31-day challenge for several years now, and I’ve joined in for the last two.
Last year, it was 31 Days of Giving Permission . . .
The year before, it was 31 Days in Which I Am Saved by Beauty.
I will say, right out of the chute, that these posts, this year, will be far less ambitious than those were. A brief scroll revealed oodles of photos and way too many words.
So this time around, I am committing to ONE photo and about 200-300 words each day. That’s it. And it’s in perfect keeping with the theme that flitted through my head when I was wondering what in the world to write about this year.
Our littlest granddaughter came to play with us this week because she wasn’t feeling 100% and wasn’t quite up to going to school. And as I walked by the door through which she hopped into our hearts, I saw her shoes, just sitting there.
And they grabbed me for the rest of the day.
She is four years old and growing up fast. A very tall and willowy girl, she’ll be graduating from high school in the blink of an eye.
But right now? She’s still little. And I want to see her in all the beauty of her littleness. I want to be on the lookout for that kind of beauty in the rest of my life, too.
So for the month of October, I’ll be on talking about small things. Beautiful, quirky, interesting, thought-provoking — whatever.
But little.

A line that I’ve used frequently in preaching is this one, courtesy of Robert Capon: “Jesus came for the lost, the least, the littlest.”
And that’s what I’m asking God to give me eyes to see this month — the little things. Join me?
I’m not doing the 31 days this year, Diana, but I’m delighted to join you here. I do love little things, and I’m looking forward to reading about the little things the Lord shows you.
Always lovely to see you around here. We’ll see if I can actually manage this – we’re on our first (and only) vacation this year for half of this month!
When I saw the words ‘insanity’ and ’31-day challenge’ I immediately thought of NaNoWriMo … only because I’ve let myself be sucked into participating in that several times, and this year was asked to give a presentation on it at our local library. I like the sound of your challenge a lot better, but am committed to my November madness. It serves me well in that I’m pushed to write a minimum of 1,667 first-draft words each day on my novel-in-progress, and that’s a good thing. But I suspect your ‘littles’ will be more interesting. I’ll be by to check them out and get a dose of inspiration. 🙂
I don’t know how you do that much writing in such a short period of time – but good for you! I’ll do my best to keep up with this thing.
You’ve always had me from Hello ;). You really are one of the bloggers I will read no matter how long your posts are but I will love this. Our littlest is 3 1/2 and I am captured by her littleness too although she declares vehemently ” I not little.” I have spent a lot of my “paying attention” time noticing the little things. I am excited about this. Let’s go.
Thank you for those kind words, Carol. I’ll keep ’em short this time round.
Love this, Diana. I was tempted this year, to join in, but held steady. I think it would just be too much pressure. Maybe someday. So I’m thinking of calling it 31 (more) days of letting go.
I may not make it — but I’ll try! Thanks for joining in. And I love your topic, even if it means NO Posts whatsoever (although I would miss you if you opted for none!)
I just had my four-year-old granddaughter visiting with me today, and had these same thoughts; her shoes, so tiny now, will one day be large ones playing softball, or dancing, or striding up a steep mountain trail. Her life has just begun, and I have the wonder and the blessing of observing every change along the way.
Indeed, it is in the small things, the littlest things, where God can perform the miraculous.
Blessings, Diana!
These little ones in our older years sure can teach us things! I think I do a better job of learning from them than I did from my own kids when they were that little. Thanks, as always, for your encouraging words, Martha.
I am always drawn to little things.
Me, too, Glenda! I have quite a collection of various little things which I will undoubtedly share over these days.
Your sweet grandgirl is pretty much the same age as my youngest boy, and I often have the same thoughts about him. It’s a bittersweet thing… to know that these are the last of all the things.
Sometimes I’m ecstatically happy, about knowing that this is the last child I will have to buckle into their carseat, and the last child to teach how to tie their shoelaces, and the last child to choke almost every time he takes a drink (and continues to try to drink while choking, lol!) and the last child to have to restrain from pushing every button and opening every drawer within sight…
And then there’s many, many other things that I will miss so much – the morning snuggles, the sweet little baby feet, the funny things he says, the way I’m still the centre of his universe and the one who can make everything better, the way he rushes to me at a million miles an hour and hugs my legs tight when he sees me after a day at kindy, and the way he doesn’t want to go to school because he will miss me.
They’re all little things, and I’m paying attention like never before, because these are the last of them, and while they may be little, they are so precious.
Thank you, Diana – always love your writing. 🙂
Yes, it is bittersweet, isn’t it? Each stage brings its own set of joys, but there are times of nostalgia all the way along, too. “Sweet little baby feet” being one of my faves. 🙂
This should be fun. I’m embarking on my first attempt at the 31-day Challenge because I’m nuts. I’m excited to read your “little” posts.