my six areas are in pretty decent balance.
Joining once again with the gang over at Tweetspeak, hoping they will not give up on me just yet.
You can check out the other posts in this collection by going here:
a place for pondering life, faith, family
Joining once again with the gang over at Tweetspeak, hoping they will not give up on me just yet.
You can check out the other posts in this collection by going here:
For the first time in a very long time, I’m joining with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for her 5-Minute Friday link-up. Five minutes for free-writing – no editing, no over-thinking, no re-do’s. JUST WRITE.
Today’s prompt? OPPORTUNITY
They say it only knocks once – but I remain unconvinced.
Seems to me, it comes ’round the door on a regular basis.
Question is: Do we hear it?
Do we see it?
Sometimes I’ve been paying attention and I grab onto it for all I’m worth.
Like the time I met this brown-eyed guy at a college mixer and said, “Yes. Yes, indeed.”
Or the time that same brown-eyed guy said, “Hey, I’m heading to Africa for two years. Wanna come along?” Oh, yeah, that one was definitely not to be missed.
And then there were those three surprises – well 2 out of 3, anyway. Each of them the most golden of all the opportunity-knocking I had yet encountered.
Then there was this weird kind of soft tapping that began somewhere inside my gut and gradually spread to my heart and my brain. A tap-tap-tap that said, “Come with Me, dear one. Test your wings – try seminary. You’ll like it.”
And I did.
And then maybe the scariest one of all came while I was enjoying the student life after 22 years. This one came gently, in the voices of others, in the words of scripture and finally, as an almost visible LED readout across my forehead: “I want you to be my minister.”
And now, even now, I hear that tapping from time to time. Opportunity keeps showing up.
May I have the wisdom to see, to hear. And the courage to say, “Why, yes! I’d love to.”
Entered St. Benedict’s Abbey, Benet Lake Wisconsin
Made monastic profession – September 1, 1957
Ordained to the priesthood – September 29, 1962
Baptized by the Holy Spirit – November 1967 and began
ministry to the charismatic renewal.
Elected First Abbot of Pecos Monastery – April 11, 1973
Abbatial Service – 1973-1992
Conventual Prior in San Luis Obispo 1992-2012
I’m fumbling around for the right earrings.
Don’t fool yourself. Don’t think that you can be wise merely by being up-to-date with the times.
He exposes the chicanery of the chic.
The Master sees through the smoke screens
of the know-it-alls.
I don’t want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else. Everything is already yours as a gift—Paul, Apollos, Peter, the world, life, death, the present, the future—all of it is yours,
A gift.
Click here for day one of this series and an explanation of what it’s all about.
Wowza. It’s Friday again. Whoosh – that week just flew by. But every Friday, we try to write like we believe we can fly (Lisa-Jo’s fine words). So I’ll give it a whirl, one more time. Take a prompt. Set a timer. GO. Write. STOP. And see what comes out. Try it, you’ll like it. And check out a few others who’ve got it going on over at The Gypsy Mama’s place.
This week’s prompt? GRIT
I got some grit between my toes today. Yes, I surely did.
It was bright and beautiful here.
And I had a ton of errands to run. But not so many that I couldn’t take a break at lunchtime and run down to the beach.
I went to the slough – an engineered salt water river and estuary that draws the water birds, by the hundreds.
And I walked right down onto the sand with my camera in hand, and I started pointing and shooting.
And smiling inside.
In a big, big way.
Because when I’m tired.
Or when I’m worried.
Or when I’m feeling insecure, or out of place, or not at all sure that I’m doing what I ‘should’ be doing…
what I need is a little bit of that gritty stuff between my toes.
And some time with the birds.
I don’t know a whole lot about them, but I surely do love to watch them do their bird thing.
They know exactly what to do. And they know when to do it.
They don’t battle insecurity.
They don’t wonder if they’re living up to their potential.
They don’t try to be anything other than what they are.
They do what their Creator designed them to do.
Every moment. Of every day.
And they do it with beauty, grace, humor and a fair amount of noise.
Lord, help me to be exactly who you’ve made me to be. Nothing more. Nothing less.
And help me to do it with grit between my toes.
Writing time, exactly five minutes, including fixing two spelling errors.
Adding pictures? Well, a few more than five. :>)
I didn’t ask to be a mom. I didn’t have to work too hard to become a mom, either – at least in the biological sense of that word.
This essay was written at the invitation of Jennifer Dukes Lee and The High Calling. I am joining the community writing project at THC by signing on with Jennifer’s weekly meme. Ann Voskamp is also encouraging essays about love this month, so I’ll put it there as well. And with all the sisters at Jen Ferguson’s place, the soli deo sisterhood. And, at the end of the week, with Bonnie’s discussion on Love Unwrapped.
But this week, I will admit to some formatting after the 5 minute bell. Other than that – this one was a breeze. It’s the story of my life. Even when my kids were little, I struggled with mornings. I got up, I did what I was supposed to do. But I was semi-conscious most of the time. I had a small floral business for a while and that meant I had to get up really early to get to the flower mart on a wedding/party weekend. And I always enjoyed that weird, upside-down world of activity in downtown Los Angeles – at 4:00 a.m.! But I was quite happy to give up my re-sale number after daughter number two got married, nearly 18 years ago.
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