Well, in 95 minutes, I will be.
“When I’m 64…” – 2009 – Archive-Diving
31 Days in which I Am Saved by Beauty – Day 26
The party continued that night at six,
with grandparents added into the mix.
We dined with great flair,
she looked SO debonair,
while sister performed disappearing tricks.
That Delicate Balance, Part Two
“He’s been working on this one all year long,”
But he resisted for quite a while.
The house looked lovely,
Our grandboy as a newborn,
So much sadness for so long.
Our daughter’s new husband,
But another milestone has come and gone.
It was only a moment.
So I gently led my mother into the living room,
And I stood behind her,
And together, we heard a miracle.
The tears rolled down my cheeks as I
Learning to play Chopin takes practice.
And learning to hold the tensions,
Life is hard.
It’s a dance with ever-changing tempo;
Thankfully, we don’t have to navigate
the dance floor on our own;
we don’t have to struggle to sing all the parts.
We are given the gift of one another.
And we are given the gift of Presence.
In this life, we cannot yet see the edge of the dance floor,
Thanks be to God.
*At the bottom of this post you will find a link to Vladimir Horowitz playing this piece. Horowitz was a hero to my dad – a genius on the piano, especially playing Chopin.
This is an older video of a live performance, but you will get a view of the
technical virtuosity needed to play this music.
I was so moved that I did not think to shift my little Canon camera over to video
to record even a little bit of Luke playing!
Thanks so much, Luke, for those transcendent 10 minutes.
Joining with those same friends with this second part on balance…no buttons this time.
Michelle, Jennifer, Jennifer and Emily. And this time with Laura Boggess, too.
Midweek Meanderings: a Photo Essay
I’ll sign this one on with Michelle at “Graceful,” Jen at “Finding Heaven,” Ann at “A Holy Experience,” Em at “Canvas Child,” Laura at “The Wellspring,” Laura at “Seedlings in Stone,” and Jennifer at “Getting Down with Jesus.” I encourage you all to check out these fine blogs – but I am having increasing difficulty getting buttons to show up in the new blogger format. If anyone has any shortcuts for this tedious job, I’d love to hear them.
Burnished Through the Years
What can I say to help you see the man I know?
That he is funny and smart and loving?
Yes, that’s all true.
That he is opinionated and sometimes volatile, gestures wildly while watching sporting events and has been known to yell at the screen (and also at passing drivers when they cut him off)?
Yes, that’s all true, too.
But how do I find words to describe how tender he can be? How deeply he adores his children and grandchildren – and me, too?
How do I tell you how goofy he can be? Wearing silly hats and too-small-butterfly-wings just to make a 2-year-old giggle?
How can I describe his thoughtful wondering about the future, his careful allocation of resources so that we and our kids and our church and our missionary friends and the worthy people and projects that God sends our way can all be tended to, with love and care?
How can I possibly describe to you what a privilege it has been for me to mother his children, fold his laundry (most of the time!), admire his handiwork in the yard and at the kitchen sink and to see how kind he is, how very, very kind?
Is there any way to put into words how grateful I am to God for each and every day – even the horrible, terrible, very-bad ones – we’ve had together? Is there any way for me to describe to you the inexpressible joy it gives me to wish him a happy birthday this week? This marks number 49 that I’ve shared with him, 47 of those as his wife.
And this one?
Well, this one is number 70.
He has survived pleurisy, a kidney stone that had to be surgically removed, a major blood clot in his lung and prostate cancer. And he plays tennis – singles tennis! – once or twice a week with our son.
And there is no way that any one of you would ever guess his age without my putting it out here in black and white for you to marvel at.
No, there is just no way to tell you. There are no words.
Well.. maybe just one:
He is a gift to this world, a gift to our family and most especially a gift to me. Easily the best earthly one I’ve ever been given.
And I thank God for this gift every day that I breathe.Joining Lisa-Jo for the first time in several weeks. (This daily devotional posting has been so much fun for me – but wow! It’s tough sledding trying to add anything to that.) This, however, was one I just could not pass up. Join the ever-increasing crew over there and check out what others are saying in 5 minutes flat. I will gladly admit that this one took a few extra minutes.

Time Marches On…
Yesterday, my ‘baby’ turned 35. I truly don’t know how this is possible. At some moments, it does seem like yesterday that we discovered a third baby was on the way. This was not a planned pregnancy – it was a total surprise. We had two charming daughters – just under 4 and just under 2 years of age, so we decided to wait until grandparenthood to enjoy the company of boys. Dick was becoming increasingly unhappy at the bank where he then worked and we had recently purchased our first home in Altadena CA. Another baby was the last thing on our minds at that point.
But guess what? God has wonderful ways of surprising us, keeping us on our toes and reminding us that – whether we like to admit it or not – we are not in charge here. After 2 girls, we assumed this would be another just like the first two. When the doctor lifted him up, facing away from me (he was, from the very beginning, not one to arrive at anything in the expected or usual way), I could tell from his backside that this kid definitely did not match the other two! As our two and a half year old crowed into the telephone when we called her at Dick’s folks’ home that night: “Mommy had a brudder!” Yes, indeed, Mommy had a brother.
Eric brought so many good things to our family – a great smile, a sunny disposition, an ability to dismantle his port-a-crib at about 9 months of age, and a wonderful language all his own. Our visit to a speech therapist at the age of 4 provided the first clue that God had given this little boy an extra helping of thinking power. He grew up to study philosophy and medicine, married a woman even smarter than he is and now has a beautiful 19 month old baby girl. Although the sunny disposition has given way to a somewhat more measured and mature mellowness, Eric continues to bring wonderful gifts to our family circle. I am so very glad he was born and that God surprised us with such a grand gift.